Welcome to your Fossil Free Memo.

Every year, the fossil fuel industry spends billions of dollars on advertising, social media, and lobbying. Their goal? To confuse the public and maintain their stranglehold over our politics and economy.

We started Fossil Free Memo to cut through the smog and tell the truth about fossil fuels, clean energy, and the climate emergency.

Each week, we’ll provide clear and effective talking points that you can use to pushback on the latest industry propaganda.

We’ll also occasionally share the latest polling, reports, and news from the growing movement to break free from fossil fuels.

Social scientists have shown that one of the most important things we can do to combat the climate emergency is to talk about it. Fossil Free Memo will equip you with the talking points you need to pushback on fossil fuel propaganda and make the case for a clean energy future. Join us!

Who We Are

Fossil Free Media is a nonprofit media lab that supports the movement to break free from fossil fuels.

We provide communications support for grassroots groups and national coalitions taking on the fossil fuel industry, as well as run our own campaigns, like Clean Creatives and Stop The Oil Profiteering, to confront industry propaganda.

Together, our team has decades of experience working in climate communications and helping build a movement for climate justice.

Join (and grow) the movement!

We’re never going to have as much money as Big Oil, but we have something they’ll never have: people power.

When you sign up for this newsletter, you’re joining a growing grassroots network that can spread the truth about fossil fuels, clean energy, and the climate emergency.

And the bigger we grow, the more effective we can be. So please share this newsletter with your friends, family, and co-workers.

Together, we can build the fossil free future we all deserve.


Subscribe to Fossil Free Memo

Talking points for the fight against fossil fuels


Communications Strategist